Telehealth Reimbursement Codes

Reimbursement for telehealth is not simple to understand. You can spend a couple hundred dollars on webinars trying to figure out how reimbursement works, and still not understand if/how to get reimbursed, or if private payers, or Medicare/Medicaid will cover the...

Improve your Office Workflow in a few simple steps

You don’t have to be tech saavy to enjoy the benefits of secure, easy to use, practice management tools. The latest and greatest tool that you can add to improve your workflow, and your patient care is Telehealth. Make sure you have the best tools- there is nothing...

5 Ways to Reduce NO Shows

Running a smooth flowing office is a challenge.  Patients run over their session times, providers run late and staying on schedule is an idea of the past.  As a provider, don’t forget your patients are also busy, and taking time to go to the doctor is a major...

Coaching vs. Counseling Across State Lines

Recently I’ve run across therapists and counselors that have been identifying themselves as coaches. Recently I spoke with a therapist who moved to Arizona who was interested in continuing seeing patients online via telemedicine in her home state where she is...